24 julio 2010

A Flock of Seagulls (Part II) - Videos

A Flock os Seagulls...

...I Ran (So Far Away)

Fuente: revista SPIN (Mayo 1985)
Comentarios de Egbert & Cisco.

CISCO: Hi, I'm Gene Cisco, rock video critic of the Middletown Tribune.
EGBERT: And I'm Roger Egbert of the Middletown Star-Ledger.
C: This month At the Videos we'll be looking at as much MTV as possible.
E: And somewhat at random.
C: Next we have I Ran by Flock of Seagulls.
E: A real haircut band. These guys all look like sex-change dental assistants. The guy with the red shirt and the most poofed-up hair must be the leader. He's absolutely terrifying. He looks like Charles Laughton trying to look like Sandra Dee. He is approached by something in makeup, heavy makeup. Is that a girl?
C: Yes. Is that other one a girl?
E: No, the guitar player is a boy. The other thing is a girl. Sort of a Japanese Sumo Bride of Frankenstein look.
C: This is done with mirrors. Rotating mirrors. Here come some zombie girl dancers.
E: Their dresses look like they're made out of garbage bags.
C: I think that's positive.
E: Recycled girls? The drummer has quite a widow's peak. He looks like Eddie of the Munsters with a butch and dye job.
C: How much do you think this video costo to make?
E: Not much. It looks like it was made in a garage. There's a lot of cheap dry ice smoke. If they had used car exhaust instead of dry ice this would have been the last video the Flock of Seagulls ever made.
C: It's odd that no haircut band has ever actually made a video in a barbershop.

A Flock of Seagulls (Parte I)

A Flock of Seagulls

De izquierda a derecha: Frank Maudsley, Paul Reynolds, Mike Score, Ali Score.

Origen: Inglaterra, Liverpool
Género: New Wave, Synthpop
Años activos: 1979-1986 y 1989-presente
-antiguos miembros: Mike Score, Ali Score, Paul Reynolds, Frank Maudsley.
-actuales miembros: Mike Score, Joe Rodriguez, Pando, Michael Brahm.

Historia de la banda:
A Flock of Seagulls ("una bandada de gaviotas", a partir de ahora me referiré a ellos como "AFOS"), surgió en 1979 en Liverpool. Sus miembros fundadores fueron Mike (Michael) Score, su hermano Ali (Alister), amigo de ambos Frank Maudsley y Willy Woo. Mike era peluquero y su amigo Frank trabajaba para él. Mike era el cantante, teclista y guitarrista ocasional, Ali el batería, Frank el bajista y, después de que Willy Woo dejara la banda (cuando todavía no eran AFOS), Paul Reynolds pasó a ser el guitarrista principal y miembro más joven del grupo.
El nombre del grupo se explica por varios hechos: para aquella época, Mike Score estaba leyendo el libro de Richard Bach "Jonatan Livingston Seagull" (Juan Salvador Gaviota). Un día estaba en un concierto de su, por entonces, grupo favorito, the Stranglers. Mientras tocaban "Toiler on the sea", el cantante miró a Mike y gritó "A flock of seagulls!". Según palabras del propio Mike, éste lo tomó como una señal, puesto que estaba metido en el tema de las gaviotas, su grupo favorito le dio el nombre de su propio grupo. Al día siguiente, al llegar al local de ensayo, anunció a sus compañeros que desde entonces se llamarían A Flock of Seagulls.


08 julio 2010

The Animals - house of the rising sun

Acordes de "house of the rising sun"

Am C D F E

e------ e--0--- e--3--- e--1--- e--0---
b--1--- b--1--- b--2--- b--1--- b--0---
g--2--- g--0--- g--3--- g--2--- g--1---
d--2--- d--2--- d--0--- d--3--- d--2---
a--0--- a--3--- a------ a------ a--2---
e------ e------ e------ e------ e--0---

Am C D F Am C E E

Am C D F
There is a house in New Orleans,

Am C E E
They call the Rising Sun

Am C D F
And It's been the ruin of many a poor boy

Am E Am C D F Am E Am E
And God, I know, I'm one

Am C D F
My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new blue jeans
My father was a gambling man
Down in New Orleans

And the only things a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk
And the only time he's satisfied
Is when he's all a-drunk

I've got one foot on the platform
The other foot on the train
I'm going back to New Orleans
To wear the ball and chain

So mothers, tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your life in sin and misery
In the house of the Rising Sun

07 julio 2010


Acordes de guitarra

A = La mayor

B = Si mayor

C = Do mayor

D = Re mayor

E = Mi mayor

F = Fa mayor

G = Sol mayor

El resto de acordes: